Sustainable Screens

Sustainability Supervisor Training Scholarship Application

With funding from Netflix and Major Government Partners Screen Australia, SSA has developed first of its kind Sustainability Supervisor training for the Australian screen industry. Six participants from across Australia will…


Opportunity Details

Closing Date


South Australia


All Screen

With funding from Netflix and Major Government Partners Screen Australia, SSA has developed first of its kind Sustainability Supervisor training for the Australian screen industry.

Six participants from across Australia will be selected to participate in the pilot training, coming to the program with solid experience of the screen industry. The program, which will run from April – August 2025, is a funded* scholarship with no charge to participants.

Program includes:

  • Two in person retreats 4th-6th April and 22nd-23rd August.
  • Six online evening classes.
  • An (approximately) eight week paid in-role placement.

* Funding for this program includes return flights, accommodation, some catering for the retreats as well as the full program. Three weeks of paid placements per participant has been secured through Screen Australia, with several state / territory agencies committing to additional placement funding for a participant in their state or territory.

For more information, visit Sustainable Screens

For more information click here