Grant Details



Grant Amount

Upon application

Application Type



All Screen



Screen Queensland

AIDC 2025 Market and Travel Grants

Screen Queensland is offering Queensland-based practitioners the opportunity to attend the Australian International Documentary Conference (AIDC) from Sunday 2 to Wednesday 5 March 2025.

AIDC is Australia’s premier event for non-fiction content, featuring a four-day marketplace, forum and screening program. AIDC is committed to connecting creators and viewers of non-fiction screen content to support and elevate documentary and factual storytelling.

Market and Travel grants to AIDC 2025 will include:

  • registration (valued at $995) and
  • up to $1,000 towards travel expenses such as flights, accommodation and ground travel.

Further funding will be considered on a case-by-case basis for Far North Queensland-based practitioners.

AIDC is supported through Screen Queensland’s Screen Culture Fund. Discover more about AIDC here.

For more information, visit Screen Queensland

For more information click here