Serious about the craft of filmmaking? AFTRS 2014 award courses close on November.

Applications to gain entry into an Australian Film Telvsion and Radio School course iare accepted just once aschool's courses are just year and only by merit selection – so don't miss out on the op
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Applications to gain entry into an Australian Film Telvsion and Radio School course iare accepted just once aschool’s courses are just year and only by merit selection – so don’t miss out on the opportunity to hone your craft and making real industry connections at one of the world’s most highly regarded film schools.

Applications will close on November 1 for AFTRS 2014 Graduate Certificates, Graduate Diplmoas, Masters Programs (Screen Arts/Screen Business) and the Undergraduate level Foundation Diploma for emerging filmmakers.

The entire 2014 course list is live on the AFTRS website:

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ScreenHub​ is the online home for emerging and experienced Australian screen professionals.