Open Channel offers two $7,600 Scholarship places in Script Development course

Open Channel is offering a limited number of additional Scholarship places in
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Open Channel is offering a limited number of additional Scholarship places in Feature Film and Television Series Development Program for Writers, Directors and Producers starts March 19

Open Channel is pleased to announce an additional TWO Open Channel Scholarship places for Writers, Producers and Directors with first or early draft scripts, in its 2012 Feature Film and Television Series Development Program.

Open Channel’s innovative program is open to filmmakers or teams, and is the only program of its type in Australia, providing a dynamic, intensive and collaborative “hothouse” over a full year in which screen practitioners and their projects are developed from both a creative and a business perspective. Successful participants graduate with a vocational qualification, the Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media (Project Development).

The Feature Film and TV Series Development program is facilitated by leading industry practitioners. In 2011 the program included guest speakers from companies such as Village Roadshow, Hopscotch, Transmission and Madman.

Course Co-ordinator Roslyn Walker (Line Producer Not Quite Hollywood, Producer Peaches) is currently in Los Angeles on a Skills Victoria/ISS International Fellowship to look at international best practice in project development and will be meeting with the creators and executives behind shows such as Breaking Bad, The West Wing, Modern Family and The Simpsons.

Summing up the course from his perspective as Producer of the feature film project Evangeline, student Jonathan Roper said, “The program put me on the fast track to becoming a producer. I learnt how the industry works and what it takes to thrive. It also gave a structured approach to the project I developed with my creative partner, enabling us to complete four drafts. But above all Open Channel gave me incredible access to working industry professionals through the regular guest lectures and through the mentoring program, all of whom now form part of my professional network.”

Jennie Hughes, Executive Director of Open Channel, and Executive Producer of films such as Dirty Deeds, Gettin’ Square and The Extra says “Open Channel is taking real leadership in developing projects at the emerging sector level, providing pathways for filmmakers, and ensuring filmmakers have a better understanding of when projects are market ready and when they should be presented to the screen agencies such as Film Victoria and Screen Australia.

These TWO scholarship places are open to any Open Channel member with an early or first draft Script for a Feature Film or Television Series (i.e. Drama, Children’s, and Documentary). People with an extended treatment and sample scenes are also eligible to apply.

For those without a first draft script, Open Channel is also running its course Concept to Script this month. This course is an intense, collaborative workshop designed to help students develop an idea or concept into a commercially viable screenplay and runs for 17 consecutive Saturdays from late March. The course is taught by AWGIE and AFI winning screenwriter Robert Greenberg, (Round the Twist).

Fee subsidies may be available for eligible students through Skills Victoria in both Concept to Script and the Feature Film and Television Series Development Program.

Applications for the scholarship places, and for Concept to Script, close on Wednesday 14th March 2012.

For more information visit our WEB SITE (
Telephone: 03 86109300

This Training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government Funding. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

About the Author
ScreenHub​ is the online home for emerging and experienced Australian screen professionals.