AFTRS Skills Survey

Help shape the future by participating in AFTRS' Skills Survey and have your say in what skills you or your employees need both now, and in the near future.
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Industrial Strength: Examining future needs of the screen & broadcast industries 

AFTRS is issuing a call to employers and professionals across film, TV, radio, VFX, animation, brand management and interactive sectors to provide insight into the education and training needs of the screen and broadcast industry.

In a constantly changing media landscape, AFTRS’ Industry Skills Survey will identify immediate priorities as well as signpost future needs and trends.

The online survey is quick and simple to complete and AFTRS will publish the findings in 2016.

Why Get Involved?
As the screen and broadcast industries continue to be disrupted by new technologies and distribution platforms, it is essential that the necessary skills and talent needed to adapt are identified and addressed to ensure future growth and innovation.

AFTRS is asking for you to tell us what skills you or your employees need both now, and in the near future.

There are two surveys that are quick and simple to complete. One is an individual survey and the other is a company survey.

You may complete both surveys or just one.

To launch the COMPANY SURVEY click on THIS LINK (take this survey if you are responding on behalf of a company)

To launch the INDIVIDUAL SURVEY click on THIS LINK (take this survey if you want to tell us about your own skills or talent development needs)

All responses are confidential, and will not be shared with third parties.

AFTRS will publish the results in 2016.

About the Author
ScreenHub​ is the online home for emerging and experienced Australian screen professionals.