ABC Commercial and Open Channel calling all emerging Producers to GENERATION NEXT KIDS CONFERENCE pi

As part of their expanding relationship, ABC Commercial and Open Channel are excited to announce a new pitching competition that will be held during the GENERATION NEXT KIDS CONFERENCE at Docklands St
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As part of their expanding relationship, ABC Commercial and Open Channel are excited to announce a new pitching competition that will be held during the GENERATION NEXT KIDS CONFERENCE at Docklands Studios on the 22nd and 23rd of July.

We are calling all emerging producers, writers and creators to come up with a one-page concept to submit for a chance to win a prize of $2000, which will include development money and time with a mentor to develop your idea further. The full set of criteria is available for review at Open Channel’s website

This competition demonstrates the commitment that both organisations have made to train, develop and invest in the talent of the future. Natalie Lawley, Manager, ABC Content Sales said “We’re excited to be working with the Open Channel in supporting and nurturing new talent. The pitching competition is an opportunity for emerging practitioners to really show us what they can do. I am looking forward to seeing some really fresh and creative concepts originate from this project.”

Marc Gracie, Acting Executive Director, Open Channel confirmed “This is evidence that we are delivering real opportunities and I am very pleased that ABC Commercial is committed to working with Open Channel to support the talent of the future. It is in our interests to offer up mentoring initiatives, when so many have ceased.”

Supported by Film Victoria and Screen Australia, Open Channel’s Generation Next series of conferences are now in their third year, and are designed to serve as the launch pad for establishing the future community of Victorian screen and gaming practitioners

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ScreenHub​ is the online home for emerging and experienced Australian screen professionals.