2013 IPAF ATOM Awards tertiary and industry winners announced!

Last night, at the Tertiary & Industry Awards Night, the second and final round of winners from the 2013 IPAF ATOM Awards were announced before a full house at Melbourne venue Red Bennies.
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Last night, at the Tertiary & Industry Awards Night, the second and final round of winners from the 2013 IPAF ATOM Awards were announced before a full house at Melbourne venue Red Bennies.

The event was hosted by the spirited Brian Nankervis from RocKwiz, and featured a live performance from Anna Lumb. The awards were attended by education and screen industry professionals, higher education students, film funding body representatives and sponsors.

The ATOM Awards have been held annually for over thirty years, and are dedicated to recognising film and media excellence in the education and screen industry sectors. In 2013, we received over 600 entries from Australian and New Zealand media producers across twenty-nine categories.

The winners of the tertiary and general/open categories in the Awards are:

Best Tertiary Short Fiction
Thin Air, Natalie Nalesnyik, Swinburne University of Technology

Best Tertiary Experimental
Womb, David Ward, Swinburne University of Technology

Best Tertiary Animation
I Dream a Geisha, Nicole Tan, Swinburne University of Technology

Best Tertiary Documentary
Not My Place, Chantell Basiacik, University of Technology, Sydney

Best Educational/Training Resource (Primary/Secondary)
Paul Kelly – Stories of Me, Shark Island Productions

Best Instructional/Training Resource (Tertiary/General)
Listen Up!, Alice Taylor, CAAMA Productions

Best Indigenous Resource
Yagan, Kelrick Martin, Spear Point Productions

Best Game / Multimedia Production
NEOMAD, Yijala Yala Project, Big hart

Best Short Fiction (50 minutes or less)
The Landing, Jade van der Lei, Perception Pictures

Best Experimental
You Like It, I Love It, James Vaughan, University of Technology, Sydney

Best Animation
Butterflies, Isabel Peppard and Warwick Burton, TBC Media

Best Music Video
Dropframe: Trichome, Oli Sansom

Best Children’s Television Program
Scope, Sarah Abbott, Network Ten

Best Factual Television Series
Whitlam: The Power and the Passion,Paul Clarke, Beyond Screen Production,
Bombora Film & Music Co. and Screen Australia

Best Documentary Short Form (30 minutes or less)
Pablo’s Villa, Matthew Salleh, Urtext Film Productions Pty Ltd

Best Documentary General
First Footprints, Martin Butler and Bentley Dean, Contact Films

Best Documentary History, Social & Political Issues
FALLOUT, Peter Kaufmann and Lawrence Johnston, Rough Trade Pictures Pty Ltd

Best Documentary Science, Technology & the Environment
Jabbed, Sonya Pemberton, Genepool Productions

Best Documentary Biography
Once My Mother, Sophia Turkiewicz and Rod Freedman, Change Focus Media

Best Documentary Arts
Paul Kelly – Stories of Me, Shark Island Productions

Best Docudrama (dramatised documentary)
Desert War, Andrew Ogilvie, Electric Pictures and Nutopia

Australian Teachers of Media (ATOM), in conjunction with the Intellectual Property Awareness Foundation (IPAF), also announced the tertiary category winner of the inaugural My Story My Content short film competition at this event.

My Story My Content gives students the opportunity to make a 60-second short film or animation celebrating Australian screen creativity.

The 2013 My Story My Content tertiary winners are:

FIRST PLACE WINNER: Cinemorph, Carolyn Duchene, University of Adelaide
AUDIENCE CHOICE WINNER: Film Gives Me Freedom, Aaron Lucas, University of Wollongong

ATOM would like to congratulate all the winners on their success and thank everyone who participated, including all entrants, judges, sponsors, volunteers and staff.

For more information about the 2013 IPAF ATOM Awards, or to stream a selection of the finalists’ productions online (including all the primary and secondary school finalists), visit www.atomawards.org.

For more information on My Story My Content, or to stream all the finalists’ short films online, visit mystorymycontent.com.

About the Author
ScreenHub​ is the online home for emerging and experienced Australian screen professionals.