TV: news from the motherland

Just in time for MIPCOM, two pieces of good news for British TV industry have been released, possibly setting a 7-day record for positive stories about the UK industry. Ad sales were up in the first h
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Just in time for MIPCOM, two pieces of good news for British TV industry have been released, possibly setting a 7-day record for positive stories about the UK industry. Ad sales were up in the first half of the year, and they sold lots of programming, especially to us.

Overseas sales of UK programmes and formats in 2009 rose 9% globally over 2008, generating ?1,337 million (NZ$2.91 billion). Sales to Australia and NZ, treated as one territory for the purposes of the Producers Association (PACT) study, rose 32%. The growth in format sales (including both sales of format programmes and format remake rights) outstripped programme sales growth.

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ScreenHub​ is the online home for emerging and experienced Australian screen professionals.