Pub Charity: has one too many, inadvertently signs $100,000 cheque to Film Archive

New funding of $100,000 was confirmed today from Pub Charity towards a new storage facility for the New Zealand Film Archive (NZFA). The Archive’s building project will provide a facility to protect a
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New funding of $100,000 was confirmed today from Pub Charity towards a new storage facility for the New Zealand Film Archive (NZFA). The Archive’s building project will provide a facility to protect and preserve the national moving image collection. Pub Charity Chief Executive Martin Cheer said, “I thought you said ‘bar’, not ‘barn’.”

Arts, Culture and Heritage Minister Hon Christopher Finlayson launched the Film Archive’s fundraising campaign on Monday 23 November at a function at Park Road Post. The Archive has applied to a wide range of funding bodies and in addition to Pub Charity, the Stout Trust (anybody else spotting a theme here? Maybe tapping up 42 Below might not be a bad idea) has committed $25,000 to the project.

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