Indigenous Programs – TV Drama Production

Limited funds are available through this Screen Australia program to invest in outstanding television drama projects which are based on strong and original ideas, and can demonstrate the potential to reach an audience.
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Limited funds are available through this Screen Australia program to invest in outstanding television drama projects which are based on strong and original ideas, and can demonstrate the potential to reach an audience.

Production investment is intended primarily to assist in the professional development of Indigenous key creatives, as well as to provide opportunities for Indigenous filmmakers who have demonstrated extraordinary talent to extend their vision and their skills.

Funding available

Funding is limited and Screen Australia expects its contribution to be augmented by other parties including broadcasters and state agencies.

Limits also apply to the level of direct funding as a proportion of the project’s budget; these limits are set out in Screen Australia’s Terms of Trade.


  • Drama of any broadcast format is eligible for this program, including telemovies and series (no distinction is drawn between series and mini-series).
  • More than 26 broadcast hours of any one project, which may include multiple series, will not be eligible for funding.
  • Projects must have a marketplace attachment as set out below.
Marketplace attachment requirements

A local presale for Australian free-to-air or subscription television rights is required, with a minimum licence fee of $440,000 per broadcast hour. This floor price must not include:

  • any equity component for the broadcaster;
  • broadcast rights for New Zealand or another Rest of World territory;
  • subscription television or exclusive satellite rights (if the presale is to a free-to-air broadcaster), or free-to-air rights (if the presale is to subscription television).

Screen Australia expects that an appropriate holdback period between the first and any subsequent release will be negotiated case by case between the producers and broadcasters involved.

Screen Australia expects the project to be made available on at least one digital media platform other than broadcast television (free-to-air or subscription). At a minimum, this could be a catch-up television service, but producers are also encouraged to consider mobile or other online platforms as part of their release strategy.

No international marketplace attachments are required but producers are encouraged to develop a marketing strategy for international sales.

Note: Screen Australia intends to review its marketplace attachment requirements in two years (i.e. for the 2013/14 financial year) with a view to increasing the minimum licence fees.

Broadcaster involvement

Screen Australia will not finance drama where the project has been developed by a broadcaster and sub-contracted at a later stage to a producer, except where chain of title resides with the producer.

In addition, Screen Australia expects key creatives (producer, writer, director, director of photography, editor) to be sourced from the freelance market and not from the staff of a free-to-air or subscription television channel.

Budget requirements

Format: Budgets must be presented in the A-Z Budget format, available to download here. Fees should comply with industry norms. They will be considered in the context of the budget and track record of the personnel.

Budgets must include:  

  • Contingency: Allowance for a contingency of 10 per cent.
  • Completion Guarantor: An allowance should be made for a completion guarantor unless Screen Australia agrees otherwise in writing.
  • Delivery to digital platform: Where relevant, an allowance should be identified in the budget for distribution to one other digital platform. This may include a catch-up television service, mobile phone or other online release.
  • Delivery items:
    Producers must budget for sales company deliverables and other delivery items as required. Allowance must also be made for Screen Australia and NFSA delivery items. See Terms of Trade for details.
  • Promotions and marketing:
    Marketing and promotions costs should be incorporated from the outset. Line items for specific promotional materials must include professional stills photography and press kit.

Investment decisions

Applications are considered by Screen Australia executives, with industry specialists consulted as required. Investment decisions will be made against the following criteria:

  • Script: The script and project materials according to: (i) the strength and distinctiveness of the idea; (ii) the quality of the writing; (iii) the production-readiness of the project materials.
  • Creative team: The producer, director, writer according to:
    (i) evidence of skills, relevant experience and achievements which demonstrate either an established successful track record or exciting new talent; and (ii) their demonstrated creative, technical and managerial capacity to deliver the project.
  • Project: The project’s potential in relation to: (i) the creative team’s demonstrated understanding of the intended audience; (ii) the production strategy (iii) the proposed participants
  • Viability: Screen Australia will consider (i) the viability of the proposed budget in relation to achieving the creative team’s stated goals and vision for the project, (ii) the viability of the proposed financing structure and production schedule.

Preference will be given to original formats over programs based on foreign formats.

Other factors, including availability of funds and diversity of slate, may also influence Screen Australia’s funding decisions.

Screen Australia will advise applicants in writing of the success or otherwise of their application. Where an application is declined, the applicant will be advised of the reason.

Terms of funding

Where Screen Australia investment is $200,000 or under, funding will be provided as a grant. Screen Australia’s contribution will be agreed upfront and not varied, other than in exceptional circumstances.

Where Screen Australia investment is more than $200,000, funding is provided as a recoupable investment, with copyright and recoupment terms in accordance with the agency’s Terms of Trade.

Where Screen Australia provides development funds and subsequently invests in the production, its investment in the development phase will be added to its production funding for the purpose of determining whether the $200,000 grant threshold has been reached, and if so, the total investment will be recoupable.

Screen Australia will take 1 per cent share in the copyright and other intellectual property rights (where relevant) in all projects where its total investment (including development funds) is greater than $100,000.

For more information visit the Screen Australia website
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