The Feds: going international with Enterprise Funding

One of the recipients of the latest round of Screen Australia enterprise funding, The Feds are planning to use the money to help push into international television broadcast. ScreenHub spoke to co-fo
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One of the recipients of the latest round of Screen Australia enterprise funding, The Feds are planning to use the money to help push into international television broadcast. ScreenHub spoke to co-founder Lizzy Nash, and head of content Lisa Gray, before jet lag and the exhilaration of the announcement had worn off.

Nash and Gray were just back from whirlwind round of pitching – first at MIPCOM in Cannes, then at Ausfilm Television Week London, and finally at the Power to the Pixel Market, where their project Soundtrack of the World was in the pitching competition.

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Alex Prior
About the Author
Alex Prior is a digital marketing consultant, the founder of ScreenHub, and a former editor-in-chief of ArtsHub.