Sydney Film Festival: votes, balance sheets, speeches and annual reports

After decades intimately involved with the Sydney Film Festival, Tina Kaufman is an excellent person to peruse the Annual General Meeting. Dry it may be, but it controls the levers to a major cinemati
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After decades intimately involved with the Sydney Film Festival, Tina Kaufman is an excellent person to peruse the Annual General Meeting. Dry it may be, but it controls the levers to a major cinematic orgy at the dead end of the financial year.

The good news is the Sydney Film Festival is in the black, and that it’s definitely staying in June. At last week’s AGM the financial health of the festival, which has been through something of a financial roller-coaster in the last few years, was confirmed, thanks to the substantial three-year grant from the NSW government which was announced early last year.

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Tina Kaufman
About the Author
Tina Kaufman is a contributor to Metro magazine