Stephen Van Mil: Shallows and The Drowner

Vet turned producer Stephen Van Mil is developing two large projects with some very heavy-hitters.
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The Drowner, based on the book by Robert Drewe, is getting very close to being fully financed. They have written offers from some major sales and distribution companies. The budget needs to be finalised and the offset certificate gained, “but assuming all that, assuming the budget’s what we expect it to be, the offers are already there,” producer Stephen Van Mil said.

Stephen is very happy with the John Collee script, describing John as “probably the best screenwriter in Australia.” Director Fred Schepisi is currently putting some final polishes and tweaks on it, however it’s been sent out to financiers, distributors and sales agents who have expressed interest, and to their intended key cast.

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Anne Richey
About the Author
Once the ScreenHub productions editor, Anne Richey is now an independent screenwriter and journalist.