SPAA 2012: Producing Mavericks – Embracing Your Inner Weirdness

SPAA 2012 brought together a group of children’s producers to share their experiences getting kids shows up and to point to at least one of their maverick moments. ScreenHub’s Andrew Einspruch reports
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SPAA 2012 brought together a group of children’s producers to share their experiences getting kids shows up and to point to at least one of their “maverick moments”. ScreenHub’s Andrew Einspruch reports.

From the look of the panel in the session Maverick Producers: Big Ideas and the Producers Who Had Them at this year’s SPAA Conference, there’s no single way to be a maverick. Which, of course, makes sense. But the themes of persistence, quality, and great ideas rang through loud and clear.

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Andrew Einspruch
About the Author
Andrew Einspruch has covered many conferences for Screenhub. His family production company has evolved into the story studio Wild Pure Heart, which is a vehicle for writing projects like his award winning humorous fantasy series, The Western Lands and All That Really Matters. He also helps to run a rescue farm and freelances as a technical writer.