SMPTE 2013: finding the future in digital nits as 3D TV dies on the showroom floor

Dominic Case, who has already seen his post-production profession utterly trashed and transformed by the march of time, contemplates the future offered by the toys at SMPTE. Bigger, better and brighte
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Dominic Case, who has already seen his post-production profession utterly trashed and transformed by the march of time, contemplates the future offered by the toys at SMPTE. Bigger, better and brighter?

Not many conventions combine a major equipment exhibition with a high quality technical conference: and not many conferences manage to combine highly technical peer-reviewed presentations with homely panel discussions between practitioners. The biennial Australian SMPTE convention does all of these, very successfully.

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Dominic Case
About the Author
Dominic Case was the Technology Manager for the Atlab Group for many years, and on the Board of the AFC during the period that the NFSA was a part of that organisation. He also worked for the NFSA briefly as head of the Film Branch, and for a year as Development Manager. He gave a paper at the last SMPTE conference on the difficulties faced by film archives in the digital era.