Screen Forever 2013: Finding Out How to Get to Sesame Street

On a sunny day in Melbourne, where the clouds had clearly been swept away, Kim Wright, Film Producer with the Sesame Workshop, talked about the things that make Sesame Street a success. ScreenHub's An
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On a sunny day in Melbourne, where the clouds had clearly been swept away, Kim Wright, Film Producer with the Sesame Workshop, talked about the things that make Sesame Street a success. ScreenHub’s Andrew Einspruch reports from Screen Forever, the Screen Producers Australia conference.

Sesame Street is an amazing success story. Now in its 44th season of 26 episodes each (that’s over 1,100 episodes all up), the perennial favourite of the two-to-five set has kept a loyal fan base of children and former children. It has now been around long enough that some of its original viewers are now grandparents, sharing the show with a third generation.

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Andrew Einspruch
About the Author
Andrew Einspruch has covered many conferences for Screenhub. His family production company has evolved into the story studio Wild Pure Heart, which is a vehicle for writing projects like his award winning humorous fantasy series, The Western Lands and All That Really Matters. He also helps to run a rescue farm and freelances as a technical writer.