Reach Rule: the reason behind the committee decision

Ian Robertson examines the reasons behind the parliamentary committee's recommendation that the 75 percent reach rule for television networks should be abolished.
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The Joint Broadcasting Committee (Committee) of the Australian Parliament tabled its Three Broadcasting Reform Proposals report in late June. The Committee has recommended that the 75% population reach rule applicable to Australian television broadcasting should be abolished provided there are legal protections for local content in regional Australia.

The 75% population reach rule in section 53 of the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 (Cth) (BSA) prohibits a person from being in a position to exercise control of commercial television broadcasting licences whose combined licence area populations exceed 75% of the population of Australia.

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Ian Robertson and Sarah Butler
About the Author
Ian Robertson is the Managing Partner of Holding Redlich, President of the board of Film Victoria, and Deputy Chair of Screen Australia. Sarah Butler is a lawyer with Holding Redlich.