Ratings: Tuesday, 17th September 2013

Tuesday night stays dull, dull, dull as nothing moves and the marketing gurus at Ten tell their grumpy masters that rebranding is a long haul. At this rate it will beat Nine by about the year 2800.
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Tuesday night stays dull, dull, dull as nothing moves and the marketing gurus at Ten tell their grumpy masters that rebranding is a long haul. At this rate it will beat Nine by about the year 2800.

In the post-election relief, the ABC News dropped 150,000 on last Tuesday, but episode two of The Rise of the Continents rose by 56% to 774,000 – a very respectable figure in the modern documentary stakes.

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David Tiley was the Editor of Screenhub from 2005 until he became Content Lead for Film in 2021 with a special interest in policy. He is a writer in screen media with a long career in educational programs, documentary, and government funding, with a side order in script editing. He values curiosity, humour and objectivity in support of Australian visions and the art of storytelling.