Power to the Pixil: challenging the cosy truths about transmedia

Put people like the chief design officer for X-Box, the global chief strategy officer for Naked Communications Worldwide and a Super Furry Animal in a room full of creators and the air will fill with
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Put people like the chief design officer for X-Box, the global chief strategy officer for Naked Communications Worldwide and a Super Furry Animal in a room full of creators and the air will fill with provocative fragments. Add a traveller with a conceptual butterfly net and we can collect some provocations with a sense of fun.

The Power to the Pixel Cross Media Forum in London assembled an eclectic mix of some of the smartest people in media today.

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Daniel Schultheis
About the Author
Daniel Schultheis is Training Manager at Open Channel, and is in London this week on a research Fellowship funded by the International Specialised Skills Institute and George Alexander Foundation to look at micro budget support schemes, with a report to be published on Screenhub in early 2014.