Dominic Case, who straddles the industry and the archival perspective, contemplates the problem and finds a tentative solution.
19 May 2014 12:00
Dominic Case
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The National Film and Sound Archive desperately needs a sense of direction.
The NFSA shop – soon to be just a memory. Source: NFSA website.
In the past dozen years the organisation has had five directors or CEO’s, two from overseas. It has been moved into the arms of the Australian Film Commission and out again, and undergone several organisational restructures.
Dominic Case was the Technology Manager for the Atlab Group for many
years, and on the Board of the AFC during the period that the NFSA was a
part of that organisation. He also worked for the NFSA briefly as head
of the Film Branch, and for a year as Development Manager. He gave a
paper at the last SMPTE conference on the difficulties faced by film
archives in the digital era.