MIPCOM 2012: reflections on the tectonic shifts in international television

Laszlo Kriston, ScreenHub's own internationalist, looks at the rise and fall of empires, the bounce and shove of egos, and the zesty competition as cheap and cheerful productions bring new players to
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Laszlo Kriston, ScreenHub’s own internationalist, looks at the rise and fall of empires, the bounce and shove of egos, and the zesty competition as cheap and cheerful productions bring new players to the high table. Did you realise that Australia is one of the bastions of American series?

The organisers of MIPCOM 2012 brought fireworks and a techno dancer group, Siro-A to the opening party at the Martinez where delegates were treated with a marvelously choreographed dance/pantomime show in which they interacted with light works and other visuals displayed on moveable set elements.

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Laszlo Kriston
About the Author
is a Budapest-based film journalist and film festival correspondent.