March of the Moguls: what is a reach rule between friends?

Crystal ball time as all those un-faced media issues roll around like marbles on the Pariament House floor, waiting to bring the Liberal cavalry crashing to the ground. For the moment, Dr O'Dee restri
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Crystal ball time as all those un-faced media issues roll around like marbles on the Pariament House floor, waiting to bring the Liberal cavalry crashing to the ground. For the moment, Dr O’Dee restricts himself to speculation.

Think back to March this year.

That’s when the former Labor government sought to introduce a series of new media laws into parliament. That’s when the Murdoch newspapers, in particular, merged fact and opinion to pilot a new info-mercial product, NNG (new news garbage), in what now looks like a trial run for their coverage of the last federal election campaign.

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Dr Vincent O`Donnell
About the Author
Dr Vincent O`Donnell is a historian who produces `Arts Alive`, the national arts and culture current affairs radio program, an honorary fellow of RMIT University School of Media & Communication, and the University of Melbourne`s School of Historical and Philosophical Studies.