IDFA: notes from the front line of distribution

Ruari Elkington, the theatrical/acquisitions manager at Antidote Films, is at the IDFA documentary festival and market in Amsterdam. Torn from his tired brain, this is the real deal on working life at
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Ruari Elkington, the theatrical/acquisitions manager at Antidote Films, is at the IDFA documentary festival and market in Amsterdam. Torn from his tired brain, this is the real deal on working life at a screen market.

Amsterdam. A city where nobody bats an eyelid at children donning blackface to celebrate Christmas while whole families cycle helmet free and happy through cobbled streets. I suspect the average Australian mothers’ group would have kittens here. If you’re the parent of a golden haired cherub, the safest mode of transport appears to be wrap them in a scarf, strap them to a bike facing oncoming traffic and pedal furiously.

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Ruari Elkington
About the Author
Ruari Elkington works in theatrical and DVD distribution for Gil Scrine Films and Antidote Films, coordinates short courses for AFTRS and writes about film and screen culture when he can.