I Am You: troubled feature film finally makes it to screen

Back in 2007, Reliant Pictures ponied up $2.2 million for the international rights to Tony Cavanaugh's and Simone North's (Liberty Films International) feature How To Change In Nine Weeks, which was t
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Back in 2007, Reliant Pictures ponied up $2.2 million for the international rights to Tony Cavanaugh’s and Simone North’s (Liberty Films International) feature How To Change In Nine Weeks, which was then in production in Melbourne. Six years, a court case and a couple of nightmares later, Foxtel has announced that it will be screening the director’s original cut under the title I Am You.

How To Change In Nine Weeks began life typically enough for an Australian feature, with production money coming from Icon, the Film Finance Corporation, Omnilab and the Pacific Film and Television Commission (now Screen Queensland).

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Alex Prior
About the Author
Alex Prior is a digital marketing consultant, the founder of ScreenHub, and a former editor-in-chief of ArtsHub.