Documentary Definition: common sense solution to policy fight that no-one wants

Give the Offset to producers for factual television. Make the commercial networks adhere to quotas for documentary. The industry gets supported, high end and challenging production is sustained, and t
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Give the Offset to producers for factual television. Make the commercial networks adhere to quotas for documentary. The industry gets supported, high end and challenging production is sustained, and the Lush House problem goes away. Pat Laughren gets a gold star.

The genres of “factual” and “documentary” need defining more accurately, particularly since convergence demands the design of an Australian content policy suitable for the digital environment. A modest first step toward making the distinction would be to disentangle cultural policy from industry development policy.

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Pat Laughren
About the Author
Pat Laughren is an Associate Professor at Griffith University in Queensland and a filmmaker. His broadcast credits include Red Ted and the Great Depression, The Legend of Fred Paterson and The Fair Go: Winning the 1967 Referendum. He has a particular interest in early cinema and the history of Australian documentary production.