Asian Media Future: shifting the screen centre of gravity

From the emerging production and exhibition hub around Singapore and Malaysia, the media landscape seems completely different. For Australians, it is a bit like watching the farm being overwhelmed by
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From the emerging production and exhibition hub around Singapore and Malaysia, the media landscape seems completely different. For Australians, it is a bit like watching the farm being overwhelmed by a gold rush. Dr O’D makes sense of some important statistics.

One simple map explains why ScreenHub tracks the evolution of production and distribution in the Asia-Pacific as closely as possible. Here. [It comes from this fascinating collection, which also demonstrates how the human population concentrates towards the equator.]

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Dr Vincent O'Donnell
About the Author
Once a film editor, Dr Vincent O’Donnell is a historian of Australian film agencies. He is an honorary fellow in RMIT University’s School of Media and Communication, a past president of the Producers and Directors Guild of Victoria and former executive producer at Film Victoria.