Asian Animation Summit: Australian producers are happy

The first Asian Animation Summit, a market for children's television animation, was held in Kuala Lumpur in December last year. The Australian producers who attended mostly came away smiling.
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The first Asian Animation Summit, a market for children’s television animation, was held in Kuala Lumpur in December last year. The Australian producers who attended mostly came away smiling.

The Asian Animation Summit (AAS), held in Kuala Lumpur in early December, has been well received by Australian participants. General Manager of Beyond Screen Productions, Ron Saunders, a 30-year veteran of screen industry market places, rated it “best organised and ran to schedule”, especially important when parallel sessions are the order of the day. “The technology worked,” he added, “and there were enough parties and enough quiet places” for private discussions.

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Dr Vincent O'Donnell
About the Author
Once a film editor, Dr Vincent O’Donnell is a historian of Australian film agencies. He is an honorary fellow in RMIT University’s School of Media and Communication, a past president of the Producers and Directors Guild of Victoria and former executive producer at Film Victoria.