Asia TV Forum & Market: a couple of hundred mill worth of deals

In thirteen years, the Asia TV Forum & Market (AFT) in Singapore has consolidated its position as a key event for distributors from all around the world in the marketing and sales of TV product in Asi
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In thirteen years, the Asia TV Forum & Market (AFT) in Singapore has consolidated its position as a key event for distributors from all around the world in the marketing and sales of TV product in Asia. Dr O’D tracks the increasing presence of Australians.

This year, the co-scheduling and co-location of the AFT with a second outing for Screen Singapore has favoured both events. Screen Singapore is free to go for glitz, attract publicity and promote the screen industry to the business and investment communities of the region and the AFT can get on with the world market in completed programs.

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Dr Vincent O'Donnell
About the Author
Once a film editor, Dr Vincent O’Donnell is a historian of Australian film agencies. He is an honorary fellow in RMIT University’s School of Media and Communication, a past president of the Producers and Directors Guild of Victoria and former executive producer at Film Victoria.