Apple TV+: quick view
Apple TV+: new this week
The Gorge (14 Feb)

Film (2025). Two highly-trained operatives are appointed to post in guard towers on opposite sides of a vast and highly classified gorge, protecting the world from an undisclosed, mysterious evil that lurks within.
They bond from a distance while trying to stay vigilant in defending against an unseen enemy. When the cataclysmic threat to humanity is revealed to them, they must work together in a test of both their physical and mental strength to keep the secret in the gorge before it’s too late.Â
Starring Miles Teller, Anya Taylor-Joy and Sigourney Weaver, directed by Scott Derrickson and written by Zach Dean. Watch the trailer.
Goldie (14 Feb)
Kids and family series. Inspired by Emily Brundige’s award-winning 2019 animated short film of the same name, this series follows Goldie, a giant girl with a big heart, as she sets off on epic adventures with her best friends in their beloved town of Boysenberg.
Together they learn that being different is something to celebrate, and that there’s space for everyone in this world – even giants.
Apple TV+: recently added
Love You to Death (A muerte) (5 Feb)

Spanish-language series. This drama tells the story of the cautious Raúl (Joan Amargós), who reconnects with free-spirited and newly pregnant Marta (Verónica Echegui) following his heart cancer diagnosis.
They resume a friendship that began in childhood, and in a relationship brought together by fate, begin to test their beliefs about love. Can the commitment-phobic Marta fall in love? And can Raúl meet the love of his life? Watch the trailer.
Mythic Quest – Season 4 (29 Jan)

Series. Back under the same fluorescent office lights, the reunited team at Mythic Quest (the biggest multiplayer game of all time) confronts new challenges among a changing video game landscape as stars rise, egos clash, relationships bloom and everyone tries to have a little more ‘work work’ life balance.
You can expect entertainment with a suitably nerdy hoot.
From creators Rob McElhenney, Charlie Day and Megan Ganz, the comedy ensemble stars alongside McElhenney, Charlotte Nicdao, David Hornsby, Danny Pudi, Ashly Burch, Imani Hakim, Jessie Ennis and Naomi Ekperigin.
And yep, Seasons 1–3 are currently available to stream on Apple TV+, so get off that PS5 or whatever it is you’re playing on and start watching …
Prime Target (22 Jan)
Series. A brilliant young math postgraduate, Edward Brooks (Leo Woodall), is on the verge of a major breakthrough. If he succeeds in finding a pattern in prime numbers, he will hold the key to every computer in the world.
Soon, he begins to realise an unseen enemy is trying to destroy his idea before it’s even born, which throws him into the orbit of Taylah Sanders, a female NSA agent (Quintessa Swindell) who’s been tasked with watching and reporting on mathematicians’ behaviour.
Together, they start to unravel the troubling conspiracy Edward is at the heart of.
Severance – Season 2 (17 Jan)

Series. Directed and executive produced by Ben Stiller and created, written and executive produced by Dan Erickson, returns for its second season.
Mark Scout (Adam Scott) leads a team at Lumon Industries, whose employees have undergone a severance procedure, which surgically divides their memories between their work and personal lives.
This daring experiment in ‘work-life balance’ is called into question as Mark finds himself at the centre of an unravelling mystery that will force him to confront the true nature of his work … and of himself. In Season 2, Mark and his friends learn the dire consequences of trifling with the severance barrier, leading them further down a path of woe.
From ScreenHub’s 4.5 star review of Severance Season 2:
‘There’s always a risk, with a tightly wrapped mystery show halfway between The Office and gloriously oddball ‘60s UK show The Prisoner, that you’ll fast run out of places to go, a bit like Mark’s Doctor Who-like sprint through endlessly repeating corridors at the open of Season 2.
‘Thankfully, the six episodes we’ve had a chance to see – half of which are directed by Ben Stiller – avoid the pitfalls of Lost by answering just enough to keep us satisfied while spinning what we do and don’t know into intriguing corners.’ Read more …