Air Pig Productions: goes dancing with the dolphins

Air Pig Productions is a new company from former Screen Australia investment manager, Sally Browning, and underwater DOP Dean Cropp. They have a new teen marine ob-doc called Blue Zoo going into prod
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Air Pig Productions is a new company from former Screen Australia investment manager, Sally Browning, and underwater DOP Dean Cropp. They have a new teen marine ob-doc called Blue Zoo going into production, and a downright unusual production partnership with David Atkins Enterprises, better known as the producer of theatrical extravaganzas such as Hot Shoe Shuffle and Stomp.

Blue Zoo is a thirteen part observational documentary which will start filming on the north coast of New South Wales in October, with a cast of eight 14 – 16 year olds drawn equally from Australia and Ireland. It will be shot in a marine animal rescue park (which remains un-named due to ABC editorial policy) and on the surrounding coast.

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Alex Prior
About the Author
Alex Prior is a digital marketing consultant, the founder of ScreenHub, and a former editor-in-chief of ArtsHub.