AIDC 2013: Pennebaker and Hegedus, the real deal on their own true-life story

Beyond the hype, the Pennebaker and Hegedus team talked about their personal stories, the nature of their marriage, and the background to just a few of their key films. Heaven for documentary tragics,
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Beyond the hype, the Pennebaker and Hegedus team talked about their personal stories, the nature of their marriage, and the background to just a few of their key films. Heaven for documentary tragics, and good fun for a whole audience.

What if you co-director, your crew and your editor was also your spouse? Fresh off the plane from the 85th Academy Awards in Hollywood, DocWeek audiences were treated to “An Evening of Conversation” with American Filmmakers D.A. Pennebaker and Chris Hegedus. Highlights of the conversation included anecdotes from filming Depeche Mode 101, Don’t Look Back, and Kings of Pastry (all screened during Docweek), to reflections on the nature of collaboration, reality television and funding.

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Kate Rogers
About the Author
Kate Rogers is a filmmaker currently completing the final year of her Masters in Film and Television, specialising in Documentary, at the Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne University.