AIDC 2013 Docweek: Cory McAbee, musician and indy filmmaker confronts the net with the ultimate spac

Cory McAbee is a true creature of his times - a musician with two indy features, co-opted willingly into the smartphone camera movement. He turned 'The Art of Self Publishing and How to Build a Career
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Cory McAbee is a true creature of his times – a musician with two indy features, co-opted willingly into the smartphone camera movement. He turned ‘The Art of Self Publishing and How to Build a Career on the Internet’into a meditation on David Lean, shooting vertically on the iPhone, and the weird adventures of Stingray Sam, the singing sensation from Outer Space..

Born in 1961, Cory McAbee is a collision between the Twentieth Century and the present times –

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Peter Jacobsen
About the Author
Peter Jacobsen comes from a film studies background and is currently completing his masters in documentary film production at the Victorian College of the Arts.