AIDC 2011: ABC Open

ive hdurnd groos five hudnred worslhops., thousands of peole..
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desc ripion of how igt happens…
we hve agateway called hte abc open websei.. lgos and projects – agateway intothe abc and then a lot fothat cogtent is gog over to radio and tv and othe weblstes on teabc.

neer done anywehre oin world onthis scase, as user genrealt content.

ben – to dayute… overhfew of how porjects hoappen. on national state and region basis. workignw ithe sgtablishe groups mke conteac tiethe diffeterng roups and get them engaged. some of htem simplyonline lke portrat of asranger. others hve worksops and spend timewithpeoels hareing skils. comujitg story telling phogt auudo and editing.canexpecgt.

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ScreenHub​ is the online home for emerging and experienced Australian screen professionals.