ABC Comedy: what makes a comic talent into great comedy?

"You know, ABC comedy is really firing at the moment", said Rochelle. "How come?" I asked. "I dunno," she said. So we asked her to find out, and she did, and now you will know too.
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“You know, ABC comedy is really firing at the moment”, said Rochelle. “How come?” I asked. “I dunno,” she said. So we asked her to find out, and she did, and now you will know too.

Australian television comedy has been through a dry patch in recent years, but the drought has definitely broken. The ABC, in particular, is delivering some truly funny, fresh and insightful programs, most of them on Wednesday and Thursday nights.

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David Tiley was the Editor of Screenhub from 2005 until he became Content Lead for Film in 2021 with a special interest in policy. He is a writer in screen media with a long career in educational programs, documentary, and government funding, with a side order in script editing. He values curiosity, humour and objectivity in support of Australian visions and the art of storytelling.