
Don't just count the audience, get to the audience that counts. June 13th - 30th @ Metro Screen Metro Screen is proud to invite you to VODcast@Metro, an innovative program of events
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What is it : A Professional Day on June 13th 2008 @ The Chauvel
Cinema, Paddington
Leading practitioners and thinkers in the online, mobile and digital
video space from industry, academia and the digital realm will hold
forth on the changing creative, craft and commercial parameters of
future screen media, with a special focus on the end of mass-media
and the rise of niche-casting and viral peer-to-peer distribution of
screen media to self-selected target audiences.

What is it : A Masterclass for 15 people June 16th – 30th @ Metro Screen
Using an approach pioneered by Metro, prospective students must pitch
ideas to participate in the Masterclass, and once selected, the
course is structured to mentor and assist them to launch and develop
a VODcast project online. Application details to follow shortly,
deadline will be 30th of May.

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ScreenHub​ is the online home for emerging and experienced Australian screen professionals.