SPAA Conference: a good, hard look at two Aussie success stories

Oscar winning producer of The King’s Speech, Emile Sherman and Nelson Woss, the producer of Australian box office hit Red Dog, have been confirmed to speak at a special ‘on the couch’ session at the a
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Oscar winning producer of The King’s Speech, Emile Sherman and Nelson Woss, the producer of Australian box office hit Red Dog, have been confirmed to speak at a special ‘on the couch’ session at the annual SPAA Conference, Wednesday 16 November at 9:00am at the Hilton in Sydney.

Ask any producer in the world what they aspire to and many will say winning an Oscar for best picture or creating a genuine box office hit in their own market. Two Australian producers achieved just that in 2011. Emile Sherman was one of the producers on The King’s Speech, a co-production between Australia and the UK, which won the Academy Award® for Best Picture. Nelson Woss was one of the producers on Red Dog, which became one of the top ten local films at the Australian box-office two months after its launch.

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