Silver Trak: first to offer true single point end-to-end workflow solution in Australia

In the most significant development of recent times for one of Australia’s largest digitisation, duplication and authoring companies, Silver Trak Digital today announced it has launched its long-await
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SYDNEY, 12 December 2012 – In the most significant development of recent times for one of Australia’s largest digitisation, duplication and authoring companies, Silver Trak Digital today announced it has launched its long-awaited Media Sphere™ end-to-end digital workflow solution. Media SphereTM is the first single point solution in Australia to truly encompass all aspects of digitising, transcoding, technical assessment QC and digital distribution workflows.

Silver Trak Digital MD Christian Christiansen explained, “Media SphereTM brings together all of Silver Trak Digital’s technologies and workflows in one simple, cloud-based solution. Media SphereTM provides the complete solution for anyone handling assets in the broadcast, production or post production industries and critically takes care of every service required from ingest to final delivery including the ongoing storage of assets. While assets are stored on our secure server they can be accessed remotely from anywhere in the world and able to be put through to any number of processes including editing, restoration, colour correction, eCinema, iTunes, QC, authoring and duplication at any time. It’s that simple.”

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ScreenHub​ is the online home for emerging and experienced Australian screen professionals.