Short and Sharp: pitching comp from Open Channel

Entries for the 2010 Short & Sharp Pitching Competition are now open. Presented by Open Channel with the support of Film Victoria, Short & Sharp is aimed at emerging and mid-career filmmakers and inv
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Entries for the 2010 Short & Sharp Pitching Competition are now open. Presented by Open Channel with the support of Film Victoria, Short & Sharp is aimed at emerging and mid-career filmmakers and invites entrants to submit a short treatment for a screen-based project.

You can pitch any genre, form and duration; from TV series and features to shorts, animation and multi-platform content. Entrants will be short listed to a field of 12 who will be interviewed by a selection panel which will select six finalists to present their pitch to a live audience and judging panel of industry heavyweights at the final at ACMI Cinemas on Wednesday July 7.

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ScreenHub​ is the online home for emerging and experienced Australian screen professionals.