Screen Producers Australia sends delegation to Producers Guild of America

Screen Producers Australia is headed to Hollywood this week with a delegation of more than 20 of its members attending the Producer’s Guild of America’s (PGA) Produced By conference and surrounding events in Los Angeles.
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The size and strength of the group, lead by Screen Producers Australia CEO Matthew Deaner, underscores the growing engagement by the Australian independent production sector with the international market – and in particular North America.  This has been reflected in increased success in program and format sales into the North American market including Rake, Secrets & Lies, Mako Mermaids, Wentworth and The Strange Calls.

This increased involvement by Screen Producers Australia members in the PGA conference which is being kicked off with the 3rd annual Australian / US Partners Networking Lunch, furthers Screen Producers Australia’s recent work in the international arena, including partnering MOUs signed with PACT (UK), PGA (US), CMPA (Canada) and CFPA (China). 

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