Screen Australia: High Concept Movie Workshop

Screen Australia is pleased to present The High Concept Movie Workshop, a new development initiative designed for screenwriters who are committed to writing a high concept movie. Under the personal gu
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Screen Australia is pleased to present The High Concept Movie Workshop, a new development initiative designed for screenwriters who are committed to writing a high concept movie. Under the personal guidance of renowned screenwriting consultant, Michael Hauge, writers will develop their high concept movie idea into a fully structured treatment and learn what it takes to get their idea to stand out and make it to the big screen in a highly competitive market.

Normally the domain of Hollywood, a high concept movie has a clear, identifiable hook and sits within a recognisable genre. Its story concept can pull audiences into the theatre with the expectation of a powerfully emotional and entertaining experience. Examples include Jaws, Speed and The Hangover. The High Concept Movie Workshop aims to support the development of writers whose natural affinity is with this kind of movie and to encourage them to be original, rigorous with their craft and ambitious in their aspirations.

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ScreenHub​ is the online home for emerging and experienced Australian screen professionals.