SBSi & AFC: Documentary series proposals wanted

SBSi and the AFC will finance the development of a documentary series tothe value of AUD$20,000, in the SBSi / AFC Pitch and Punt at the 2007 Australian International Documentary Conference.
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SBSi and the AFC will finance the development of a documentary series tothe value of AUD$20,000, in the SBSi / AFC Pitch and Punt at the 2007 Australian International Documentary Conference.

SBSi and the AFC are calling for concept stage short series proposals (eg 3 x 52 minute episodes or 6 x 25 minute episodes).

We’re seeking proposals for gutsy, innovative and appealing series that creatively reflect the SBS charter and put younger faces on screen. The series should appeal to our 25-50 year old target audience, with a preference to attracting female viewers.

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