SBS World Movies: Sex before centipedes season

They’re the movies that changed the face of cinema. They’ve been banned around the world and have been the cause of arrests, court cases and protests. They’ve caused moral outrage and countless newspa
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They’re the movies that changed the face of cinema. They’ve been banned around the world and have been the cause of arrests, court cases and protests. They’ve caused moral outrage and countless newspaper headlines. Now, over one controversial week, World Movies brings you the Films That Shocked The World – all for the first time on Australian television.

As the only channel in Australia permitted to play R18+ films on television, World Movies presents the movies that others have told you that you can’t or shouldn’t see. From the film that invented modern-day pornography, to the movie that the Australian Classification Board banned for being too “graphic” in 2004, this is the essential collection of controversial cinema.

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