SafeZone Film Festival Awards

Muy Lang (Linda) Ung, an UWS graduate given a position with Ovation, has cleaned up with her film ''Jarrod'' at a national film festival run by DrinkWise Australia.
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Ovation Channel’s Muy Lang (Linda) Ung has swept up the awards at the SafeZone Film Festival, winning the major prize for Best Film as well as Best Script, Best Cinematographer and the People’s Choice Award; for her short film Jarrod. The award ceremony took place on Monday night at Warner Bros Movie World and was hosted by Paul McDermott.

After graduating from the University of Western Sydney last year with a Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts Production), Muy Lang secured a job at the Ovation Channel as Presentation Co-ordinator and has recently been promoted to Promotions Producer. Jarrod is her first film as writer/director since leaving university.

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