Producer of new Ben Mendelsohn film ‘Hunt Angels’ pledges $500 cash prize to Short Poppy Winner

Poppy Producers are delighted to announce a $500 cash prize to the best of the worst stories heard at the Short Poppy Awards on July 28 at the Kelvin Club in Melbourne. The award is in honour of cinem
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Poppy Producers are delighted to announce a $500 cash prize to the best of the worst stories heard at the Short Poppy Awards on July 28 at the Kelvin Club in Melbourne. The award is in honour of cinema mavericks, Rupert Kathner and Alma Brooks and is being sponsored by Producer Sue Maslin (Japanese Story, Hunt Angels).

In the late 1930s, Rupert Kathner and Alma Brooks began a movie-making spree that took on the Hollywood barons, a Police Commissioner and the cultural cringe, all in their passionate pursuit to make Australian films. On the run from police across thousands of miles, they would stop at almost nothing to get their films made.

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