Photoshop course Syd

A comprehensive introduction to the popular Photoshop software, this course explores many aspects of digital image manipulation.
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It covers fundamental tools and functions including short cuts, layers, filters, file types and compression. Learn how to get the most from one of the most powerful 2-D image manipulation software packages around.
Tutor: Renata Bliss. Starting her film career as the in-house editor for various production companies including the Sydney Opera House, Renata then moved into making film and documentary production. She was segment director for the BBC documentary series Backpack TV and has directed a slate of short fiction films.
Tue, Wed, Thu [Eve] 18hrs | 16/10 – 25/10 $345 / $405 non-members | 15 places | Location: Metro Screen, Paddington Town Hall Cnr Oxford St & Oatley Rd Paddington.

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ScreenHub​ is the online home for emerging and experienced Australian screen professionals.