Mudfest: gets a tan too

The picturesque Bunnamagoo Estate vineyard was the perfect setting for this year’s Mudfest, the 7th Mudgee International Short Film Festival. As ever it was a beautiful, if somewhat colder, evening th
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SYDNEY, 4 April 2011 – The picturesque Bunnamagoo Estate vineyard was the perfect setting for this year’s Mudfest, the 7th Mudgee International Short Film Festival. As ever it was a beautiful, if somewhat colder, evening than recent years with the standard of all 13 finalists of the very highest order.

The Judges Choice and FUJIFILM Best Australian Entry went to The Lost Thing (Andrew Ruhemann and Shaun Tan) with the Peoples Choice Award also going to an Australian film Family Values (Matthew Jenkin). The judges also decided, with the support of FUJIFILM and Deluxe, to award a special one off runners up prize to the third Australian prizewinner of the night, Bee Sting (Heath Davis).

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