MIFF 2011: coming up for sixty

MIFF is running a one off short film competition, in which it is the mystery object. Open to all filmmakers, with the only prize on the circuit that massages the ego, feeds the brain and pampers the m
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MIFF is running a one off short film competition, in which it is the mystery object. Open to all filmmakers, with the only prize on the circuit that massages the ego, feeds the brain and pampers the maker at the same time, it closes on Friday 29 April 2011.

2011 marks the 60th anniversary of Melbourne’s premiere film event, the Melbourne International Film Festival. To celebrate we’re inviting all filmmakers – professional, amateur, semi-professional and other – to submit a shot film and go into the running to win a prize never offered in the 60 year history of the event. The rules? Films can be shot in any form, must be no more than 6 minutes in length and feature or reference MIFF in some way.

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