Melbourne Documentary Group: music to their ears

Martin Armiger and Digital Scoping and free steak knives and an online pony!
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Melbourne Documentary Group

2 Topics for the Price of One!

Date: Tuesday 7th August
Time: 7pm
Venue: The Loop Bar, 23 Meyers Place, City (off Bourke, near Spring)
Music to my Ears – An evening with composer Martin Armiger
Martin Armiger is one of Australia’s best known composers for screen with a swag full of credits to his name including the recent feature film Clubland. Martin has also scored for many documentaries. Join MDG at The Loop Bar in town, for an evening devoted to music in documentary. Martin will screen clips and give us an insight into how doco film-makers can embrace this powerful tool to maximise the power of their work. He will also introduce a new AFTRS course being launched in Melbourne, Documentary Music Composition and Production. AFTRS is looking for 13 film-makers to pair up with composers to generate a music score for their work. A unique opportunity over 5 nights in September
Martin Armiger is Head of the Music Composition Department at AFTRS.

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