Jucy: picked up by Odin’s Eye

KCDC & Bunker Productions feature 'Jucy' picked up by Odin's Eye for worldwide representation. Jucy is a wo-mantic comedy that takes its audience on a rollercoaster ride through twenty-something frien
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KCDC & Bunker Productions feature ‘Jucy’ picked up by Odin’s Eye for worldwide representation. Jucy is a wo-mantic comedy that takes its audience on a rollercoaster ride through twenty-something friendship, the ever-present pressure to be normal and the consequences of being yourself.

Jackie and Lucy are close friends, some say too close. Although their high school days are long behind them, nothing much has changed. Jackie’s social anxiety is still not under control and she remains incapable of a mature relationship with a man. Lucy is overweight, still lives with her mother and hasn’t finished either of the university degrees she started. When their friendship is attacked, the girls set out to prove themselves… but will their newly found maturity drive them apart?

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