Film Finish: Colour Grading Goes Online

New Australian small business, Film Finish, takes colour grading to clients over the internet. Business owner Fehraz Lateef talks about Film Finish’s free trial grading service.
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New Australian small business, Film Finish, takes colour grading to clients over the internet. Business owner Fehraz Lateef talks about Film Finish’s free trial grading service.

February 18, 2010 Melbourne – Film Finish opened its doors for business this week. Its online doors, that is. Film Finish is a colour grading service that operates entirely online. The website ( is used as a portal by clients to submit their media for grading in a Quicktime container. All clients are treated to a trial grade of a handful of frames. It’s a free service which business owner Fehraz Lateef encourages. “Operating as a boutique online business gives us certain freedoms and we’ve used these to add value to our service.”

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